(English follows after Japanese)
久しぶりにワタリウム美術館に行き、「藤本壮介展 山のような建築 雲のような建築 森のような建築 建築と東京の未来を考える2010」という展覧会を見ました。ラジオを聞いていたら、この企画展のオープニングについて紹介されていたので、興味を持った次第です。
Training to talking about dream
I have been to Watari-um, the contemporary art museum to see the exhibition called "Sou Fujimoto Architects - Future Visions Forest, Cloud, Mountain", about the architecture of Mr. Sou Fujimoto. I had heard about this exhibition's opening reception on the radio and been interested in it.
The first impression was that his works told us we were allowed to talk about the future of the city, especially the future of Tokyo such freely and optimistically. There were so many drawings and models in the small exhibit spaces. I felt like I "borrowed" his eyes to look at the planning of buildings and the cities in his mind. He makes the concept models by leaves and onigiri, the rice balls, which I have never seen the architectual meanings in them. While walking around to see those models, it reminded me of my young child's days when looking into an ants' nest to imagine how it felt like being an ant to follow them inside the nest. Mr. Fujimoto, however, doesn't just speak about the dreams that are impossible fantasy, he shows us somehow reliable future through images with dreams, that we could be more flexible toward houses or cities.
However, even we just wait and sit to dream that some great things could happen, nothing could be possible. We would need to train the ability to dream, which might be different ability from talking about the reality. I thought Mr. Fujimoto's viewpoints show us this process through this architecture. If we could survive this difficult contemporary world, I understand that we should need to train both dreaming and to facing the real world. Otherwise we could not live rich life in both materially and psychologically. I thought he wanted to tell us about it through this works.
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