
Read my pins 再び

(English follows after Japanese)   
 一昨年行ったNYのMuseum of Arts and Designで見た『Read my pins』 という展覧会についての記事を覚えておられるでしょうか?(2010/1/2 「NY探訪記 その1 Museum of Arts and Design」をご覧下さい。)その際に見たアメリカの元国務長官マデレーン・オルブライトのピンコレクションを紹介したものですが、未だアメリカ中を巡回しているそうです!

 おなじみのTEDで、TEDWomenという世界で活躍している女性をテーマにしたプログラムがあり、彼女がゲストの回を見て知ったものです。この日もステンドグラスを重ねたようなピン(ブローチ)を襟元に留めており、インタビュアーに「今日のピンにはどんな意味が?」と聞かれ「ガラスの天井を突き破る、という意味です。」と答え、会場を沸かせていました。さすが女性をテーマにしただけあって、会場は(色々な意味で)強そうな女性がほとんどでした。そう言えば、前回この展覧会について触れた時に書き忘れたのですが、『Read my pins』という展覧会タイトルは「read my lips」という表現から来ているようです。(もし間違ってたらご指摘下さい。)聞き分けのない相手に「私の唇を読みなさい=言うことを聞きなさい」というように、国務長官時代「read my pins=私のピンの意味を読み取りなさい」という真正面を切った態度で外交の場にいたのだろうなあ、と思ったのを覚えていましたが、TEDでこのタイトルが紹介されると会場中大爆笑していました。




"read my pins" again

Do you remember the article of the exhibition of "read my pins" in NY Museum of Arts and Design in Christmas holiday in 2009? (sorry that article is in only in Japanese now! ) It was about the collection of the pin of ex-Secretary of State of the US, Madelaine Albright. This exhibition is still touring across the US!

I have known this in the programme of TEDWoman. She was a guest of this session. She was wearing a pin as always which is layered fragments of stained glasses. The interviewer asked what the meaning of that, she replied, "This is breaking the glass ceiling. The audience was so excited. TEDWoman's subjects were especially women who are active in the world, so there's no doubt, there are lots of women who look so energetic in many ways. The title, When she mentioned the exhibition title, "Read my pins", these women bursted into laughter.

In the conversation, she talked about how she started to wear pins in the occasions of diplomacy. It was after the Gulf war ended when she was appointed as an ambassador of the UN. Then Saddam Hussain invaded the neighboring countries, many papers described Albright in many ways, and one of them was "unparalleled serpent". So she got the pin of the unparalleled serpent and attended the meeting about Iraq. On the press conference after the meeting, someone asked why she wore that pin. So she answered "Because Saddam Hussein compared me to an unparalleled serpent".

After this story, she mentioned her working life in the international politics, which is still men's world. Her words must have been so inspiring for those who listening to the session who are struggling with the "glass ceilings". From her story, it sounds so compelling that what women wear becomes the excessive focus of attention. When she was appointed the UN ambassador, someone told her "Go out and look like a diplomat.", then she thought there would have been many opportunity of shopping. Ii impressed me that how positive she behaved even in that pressuring appointment. Well, if you are not confident enough like her, you never could fulfill the mission of that job. Even though she wondered how short length of the skirt should be, should she wear a hat? The time is passing, and the world seems to be more tolerant, the public eyes are not so kind to women. Albright introduced the story that when the former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice wore boots in an event, some criticised her. It seems rather unfair the men wont' be blamed like that. (In my opinion, it is blessing they enjoy the benefit of the uniform called a "suite".) Fashion is one of the way to express oneself. Sometimes it could express the position in the society they are belonged. However, the criteria are extremely vague. We often say "a mother should not wear like that" or "He/she is incredible to wear that bright outfit even he/she is not young.". In such society, Albright would have had a strong will power and had coped with the difficult situations in the battle fields of international politics with her pin as a weapon, which is one of the symbols of female fashion items.

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