(English follows after Japanese)
Googleのトップページを開くと「Google アートプロジェクトで、世界の美術館の中まで探検しよう」という案内が表示されていました。そう言えば最近お馴染みのPodcast、TEDでこのプロジェクトに関わったAmit Soodのプレゼンを見て、このプロジェクトとリアルな博物館・美術館体験についていろいろ考えさせられたことを思い出しました。リアル体験至上主義気味な私としては、こういったヴァーチャルなプログラムにはいつもやや懐疑的です。どんなに解像度の高い画像を見ても、やっぱりスクリーン上の体験は、匂いも、空気感も、音も、人の気配もない、つるっとした表面的な世界にしかみえません。しかし、インド出身で小さい頃博物館に行く機会がなかなか無かった、というSood氏の個人的なエピソードが開発の原動力になっていることを知ると、心動かされる部分もありました。プレゼンの最後には彼も博物館の実体験が大切と言っており、これは実物を見てみるべきだな、と思っていました。
このサイトではVisitors Guideからアートプロジェクトの制作風景の映像も見ることができます。視点の高さの謎もここで解決しました。
"What is real museum experience?"
On the home page of Google, I found the instruction of "Google Art Project". It immediately reminded me of this virtual museum which was introduced on my favourite podcast, TED. The presentation was by the project leader, Amit Sood who explained how they completed this project. It made me wonder what real museums or art galleries experience is. As I am a bit fundamentalistic about real experience about museums, so I'm always skeptical about this virtual thing. Even I see the images of art works with extremely high resolution thanks to the high-tech (it seemed to be one of the height lights of this programme.), the experience on PC screen does not give us scent, sound, or atmosphere of exhibition rooms. So it seems just copying the smooth surface of the works. However, the personal story of Sood, that he grew up in India and had little chance to visit museums were a part of motivation to proceed the project gave me something positive. At the end of his presentation, he articulated the real museum experience is important even though he was there to show this new invention of museum experience. When I heard his words, I thought I should see what it is.
Opening the Art Project website, You could see closed-up picture of famous art works that Sood explained enthusiastically. It is part of Van Gogh's oil painting, which the three dimensional brush strokes are clearly visible. Where you can "explore" are world famous seventeen museums and art galleries such as MoMA, Tate Britain, Hermitage, so on. I tried to see Tate Britain where I have been to several times. By moving the icon, you can change your views forward to back, up to down, or right to left to "walk" through the exhibition rooms. When you would like to see the work, you could use magnifier icon as if you would see it with a magnifier. I felt something wrong with the height of the eye level. It seems a bit higher. This "exploring" was almost what I had expected. It tries to be close to the real experience and also add something that you could not experience in real museums. It must be meaningful for those who has little chance to visit real museums and art galleries. However, I felt it is not enough closing up to the details, and it is not the only way to deepen the experience. Exploring this website, I felt it was too pushy for users, and this exhausted me to follow the creators' intension (it is conscious, or not.) as I want to act more freely in this virtual exhibition floor. It was like they believe the technology too optimistically. I always have a conflict in my mind that how I should understand such situation. It is very important statement of Sood at the end of his presentation that this project does not replace the real museum experience, but only the complement. It could be said that we are living in the age that we need to judge to take appropriate balance between real experience and virtual experience by ourselves.
In the Art Project website, you can see the video of making process of the project on the Visitor's Guide. Here, it cleared the question of the height of eye level.
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