(English follows after Japanese)
昨夜(9/22)の、「BS NHK ワールド WAVE tonight」 というニュース番組をご覧になった方はいらっしゃるでしょうか。韓国ソウル市のパブリックアートについて取り上げていました。私は別の事をしながら聞いていたので、情報ソースとしては正確でない部分があるかもしれないのですが、とても考えさせられるニュースだったので、取り上げたいと思います。韓国にはビル建設費用の1%(民間・公共双方か聞きそびれてしまいました)をパブリックアートに使うという法律があるそうです。30億円の建物なら3000万円か・・・と漠然と多いなと感じました。確かソウル市は政策でデザインに力を入れていると聞いた事がありますので、この動きはその一部なのかもしれません。
以前このブログで紹介した、NYのHIgh LIne(廃線になった貨物列車の高架を再開発した施設)の牽引者であるRobert Hammond氏が、市民や市議会を説得する際に、廃線を壊した時、High Line として再開発した時、双方の税収がどうなるかシミュレートして示していたことがとても印象的だったのを思い出しました。私たちは目に見える数字に説得される部分がやはり多いのは確かです。
"Dilemma and fun among public arts"
Is there anyone who have watched TV news programme, "BS NHK World tonight" last night (9/22)? It reported about public art in Seoul city, in South Korea. I have just listened to it while I was doing something else that did not catch the detail; however, I found it was particularly intriguing topic. It said that there is a law in South Korea that they should put 1% of constructing building, fee into public art. (I missed whether it applied to both public and private buildings.) I calculated in my mind "If the project were 30 billion yen, it would be 30 million yen to public art... Hmmm, that is a big amount..." I have heard that Soul city is encouraging design as city's policy, so it might be one of them.
What interested me was not the policy itself, the reaction from people in Seoul. One was the lecturer of a university. I'm not sure what is her field. Though, she was so against this trend. She said "We should spend more money on social welfare, not art.", and "It is not suitable to put such ugly things all over the city.". I thought those two statements make us stop to think twice about what is art in a society.
Firstly, let's start from comparing the value of art to other social values. When I had been working in an intermediate organisation that promote private sectors support the arts, this issue often appeared in our conversations. For example, supporting arts could not "win" money in the same way as saying "this amount of money could save that amount of children for taking vaccine.", or "this amount of money could save that amount of forest". Art is not good at such way to attract people's interests. If you see it in the long term, art will show you some "evidence" in education or social effects, or it might make the cites or some companies to be more attractive. However, it is difficult to show immediate effect and figures such as decreasing unemployed or improving school scores. This is one of the reasons that are difficult to get the supporters. I would say one reasons that art could not melt in the city and people's life is, art sectors are not trying to have several viewpoints with several dimensions to value arts. For example, in terms of welfare, if a certain amount of money would be spent, some issues in front of you would be solved. Let's think about art. We could appeal that if you will spend a certain amount of money for sculptures in public space, the city became more attractive to the tourists, less unemployed, and in the result, you could reduce the budget for social welfare. Do you remember the High Line in NY that I have mentioned before? When I saw this news last night, it reminded me of the key person of reconstructing demolishing rail road to the park, Robert Hammond. He compares tax benefits between demolishing it or renovating it as a park when he was in discussion with citizen and city government. We love figures. Of course, it also gives us the ground.
The next one is the personal view for public art. I often feel disappointed to hear beautiful or ugly when talking about arts, as this does not make further conversation. It is like saying, for example, "Why baseball games are on TV?" Should it be that public? I want watch classic concerts instead.". This is what people who are in charge of arts need to leach out, further to the public. We do not take art only beautiful or ugly, aspects, which I think is what we could say in a louder voice.
From this news, I think again that it is difficult to capture arts in a society in many context. Thought I do not take it tragic. I value this difficulties and diversities because this is appeal of the arts itself. I rely on this appeal that it could make an impact to the societies and show a different side of them. To be honest, I'm looking forward to seeing those moments.