

(English follows after Japanese)   





"Living the present, creating the future"

I have watched a film called "Après Béjart, le coeur et le courage". This is a documentary about a new artistic director Gil Roman who took over Béjart Ballet Lausanne and the dancers after the death of Maurice Béjart, the greatest choreographer in the twentieth century Béjart is a milestone for me personally as he had dragged me into the world of modern ballet when I was still a high school student. I have read the news that Bejart died, but have not known the where ballet company goes.
This film starts from Gil Roman, who had been also a soloist in the company, takes up as an artistic director after the death of Béjart, and how he creates a new piece of work by his new choreography. Roman seems to be in solitude, in front of gigantic pressure. He had accepted favour from Béjart when he was a dancer, but now, he is to realise the promise between that great mentor that he will create his own works for the company, at the same time, he needs to keep the artistic level of the company. Roman shows us the spirit that he undertakes all these responsibilities as an artist. Although the situation is tough, we could see the words of Béjart, "Don't look back, go forward even it is difficult" help not only Roman, but also dancers and people who involve in the company. I found this is one of the answers for what art could exist. This is, an art/artist keeps still in the difficult balance and dilemma among maintaining the high level, facing to the history and beauty of art, and being innovative. Even I, who is just watching it felt it was too heavy burden to accept. However, Roman and other dancers look working themselves up. Where does it come from?
While watching the film, my mind is going back and force like this. One reason is that I have been feeling awkward about words of the artists in Japan after that big earthquake in 11th March. There is no doubt that our way of thinking and sense of value utterly change after such terrible disaster. However, I did not feel like agreeing with those artists are saying "We could never create things in the scheme of society before 3.11." Or "It is too naive if you are not keeping that disaster in our mind when creating things". To be honest, I would say I could not rely on these wavering statements "before 3.11." / "after 3.11." in the context of art. Of course, we are at maze how we express what we experience when we are confronting the disaster that we never imagine. However, in terms of art, there should be lots of meaning to continue creating and expressing as same as we have before embracing dilemma. Now we are still shaken even quake is settling, we could say aloud that the art exists as it has been. I believe this is the power and elegance of art that we could rely on. In the film, there was the statement "Living the present, creating the future". This is basic but as well so tough to realise. When they lost Bejart, Roman, and the dancers have decided to live the present and create the future even there could be conflicts between them. Although the situation is different, we, in japan, also are in time as how they have overcome.

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