

 最近フランスに行った方から、お土産にケ・ブランリ美術館(MUSÉE DU QUAI BRANLY)のブックレットを頂きました。ケ・ブランリは、2006年にパリに開館した美術館で、アフリカ、オセアニア、アジア、アメリカの民俗学、人類学的な美術資料を扱っています。「展示は、作品が作られた社会文化的文脈に基づいている」(ブックレットより)ということですが、イギリスの大学院時代の友人や先生からは「美術品として扱いたいのか、人類学的に扱いたいのか、展示の軸がぶれていてあまり良いとはいえない。」という話を聞いたことがあります。評価は私自身が実際に見に行った時にすることにして、今回はこのブックレットに関して書いてみたいと思います。



Looking at the art gallery three-dimensionally

My boss went to France and brought back a booklet of Musee Du Quai Branly for me. This museum was open in Paris in 2006. It is about anthropological art works from Africa, Oceania, Asia and America. Although booklet says that the exhibits are based on the socio-cultural context that they were made, I've heard that the tutor and my classmate at the uni criticized it as they really don't understand how they want them to display. They said that the display seemed to be confusing that they show some works as art, but some as anthropological objects. Well, I would like to talk about it when I actually see them so I here would like to talk about the booklet itself.

The museum became famous, as Jean Nouvel has designed it. The booklet shows the 5 years project from the plan of President Chirac’s manifesto, competition of architecture (Lem Koolhaas and Renzo Piano were also the competitors.), the ancient ruins which were found when they were digging the site for the base of the building, interior design, garden collection and the display. I found it interesting that about collection and display were described in one third of the booklet. The aim of this seems to be to show how the museum building and the surrounding environment were made with variety of pictures. It reminds me of the film I saw a few months ago, “Un animal, des animaux” by Nicolas Philibert, as it tells us the process of which one museum has being made.

In the museum shop, there must have been some more booklets about the collection and display, but, I found this one is much more interesting. Usually, when we go to a museum or an art gallery, we look at art works or objects, though; we also could focus on the architecture, the garden, or administration of a museum to understand it more deeply. The booklet must have had some intensions to state governmental propaganda, but still, it reminds me of a viewpoint to look at one museum from a different angle which we usually ignore. I would say it is looking at a museum "three-dimensionally". It should be important to have several viewpoints to understand what museum really is.

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