(English follows after Japanese)
アイ・ウェイウェイは中国出身のアーティストで、数年前に森美術館でも展覧会が開催されたのでご存知の方もあるかもしれません。私もその時に、彼のダイナミックで丁寧で、皮肉にも溢れた作品を初めて知りました。 今回の展覧会のタイトルは『Ai Weiwei absent』。アイ・ウェイウェイは政治的な活動も行なっていることから、一時中国で自宅軟禁状態にありました。この展覧会にも来ることが出来なかったとのことで、タイトルもそれを暗示させるような響きがあります。森美術館で見た作品も幾つかあり、違った場所で、違った人と同じ作品を見る面白さがありました。
しかしそれにも増して、台湾で中国出身の作家の作品を見るというちょっとした居心地の悪さも感じました。「Map of China」というタイトルの作品がその一つです。清時代に建てられた寺院の木材を、寄せ木の様にして中国の地形をかたどった作品なのですが、その中に台湾も含まれているのです。東京で見た時にも一緒にいた友人に「これは色々問題がありそうだね。」と話をしたのを覚えています。今回は台湾の友人と見たので、私はより複雑な気分でした。それとなくどう思うか聞いてみたところ、「アートと政治は別だし、美術館もそう考えてるのではないか。」とさらりと言っていました。
"Seeing Ai Wei Wei in Taiwan"
I have been to Taiwan for holiday. I'm going to introduce the exhibition of Ai Wei Wei in Taipei FIne Art Museum that one of my friends there took me. Ai Wei wei is an artist from China. There was an exhibition in Mori Art Museum, in Japan in a few year ago, so you might have heard about it. I also have been to see his works for the first time in this exhibition. They are extremely dynamic, elaborated, and ironic at the same time.
The exhibition's title was "Ai Wei wei Absent". He is also a political activist, so he has been once under house arrested. So he could not come to Taiwan for this reason. The title of the exhibition seems to imply it. In the exhibition room, there were some works I have seen in Mori Art Museum, so I could have experienced seeing same works in a different context.
Though, I also felt a little bit awkward to see the Chinese artist's works in Taiwan for the political reason. One of them was "Map of China". It looks like a map of China combining pieces of woods from the dismantled temple in Qin dynasty. Tha map includes Taiwan. When I saw this with a friend of mine in Japan, we talked that whether it would be any problem. This time, I saw this with my Taiwanese friend, so I felt a bit more nervous. I tried to ask her what she feels about this. She answered "Art and politics are different. I suppose this museum might have the same opinion,". I cannot tell there is particular political ambition on this work, and it does not matter. What I convince was that my friend and I have totally different background when we see this. Of course, it is without doubt by different social and cultural context we accept different information from the same piece of work. I did not think about it every time I go to museums. When I was aware of it, I recognised the meaning of works changes even it is the same mass of things. I feel this is part of art in my mind in the humid air in Taipei.
Special Thanks to Sz-Ting!
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