(English follows after Japanese)
この記事をネットで検索してみました。すると幾つかのメディアで、インドでの幼少期の体験がこのプログラムを開発する原動力となったと語っていた、開発者のAmit Soodの言葉が載っていました。インドでは博物館が開いている時間も限られているし、行ける機会が少ないと語っていたSoodですが、今回はこう語っています「Googleアートプロジェクトはグローバル化しています。もはやこのプロジェクとは、メトロポリタン美術館に行きたいと思っているインドの生徒達だけのためではありません。国立デリー近代美術館を訪れたいと思っているアメリカの生徒達のためでもあります。」(The Independent "Ten more UK galleried join Google Art Project's virtual tours" 2012.4.3より)
What is museum experience?, again
Google Art Project (Please refer to "What is museum experience?" 2011.06.02.) seems to get into a new phase. This has presented outstanding museums in the States and Europe. Now, they add some more from Asia and Australia including Japanese museums such as Bridgestone museum, Ohara museum, National Western art museum.
I have googled newspapers of this project. In some articles wrote about Amid Soot. He is one of the engineers who has talked about his childhood experience in India. There were fewer museums than western countries and less opportunity to visit there. The article described ""Amit Sood, who heads up Art Project at Google, said the site “is going global” adding: “It’s no longer just about the Indian student wanting to visit Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is now also about the American student wanting to visit the National Gallery of Modern Art in Delhi.”".
As I wrote, I am a little bit skeptical about the meaning of this programme. However, it is persuasive that Sood's personal experience drove him to get there. I do not know the background of this programme having been feasible. What interests me the most is how Google brought individual anecdotes into a project.
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