

(English follows after Japanese) 




Representation after disaster
I have written about the natural disaster such as earthquake and tsunami in last March and how art changed after that. ( Refer to "Living the present, creating the future".) Since I had written that, I have often felt awkward that how arts, artist, art expression, or art critics in Japan lose their composure. I found they overreact to earthquake, tsunami or accident of nuclear plants. For example, they seem to apply their theme of artworks with disaster ( nuclear matters, particular.), or they seem to find any words to describe the connection between arts and disaster. I dare to say they look flippant (There should be many artists who are not.). It is not the issue of what is right or wrong. I was just curious why they seemed to be in spree.
While I have been wondering what makes it happen, I have found an interesting article in the literature magazine called Shincho. It was a conversation between a novelist, Yoshikichi Furui and a comedian, Naoki Matayoshi. Their words gave me one of the answers. I haven't either read Mr. Furui's novels nor watched Mr. Matayoshi's stage be honest.
They talked that it if possible to make people laugh in the situation of agony, in that disaster. Mr. Furui quoted that in the era right after World War two in Japan. He said he had witnessed people swung like manic-depressive at that time. He mentioned that it could happen not only post war in Japan, but also other countries. Then Mr. Matayoshi talked about his experience on stage in Miyagi where the damage was serious. He said that he unexpectedly saw people being high-spirited to watch comedy. The two continued to talk about how we have been reacted to that disaster. They ended the conversation that we could not tell what literature or a comedy would be like in the future. Adding to this, they mentioned we can not predict ourselves and even how the world around us would change.
The manic-depressive swing Mr. Furui said, and the response of the audience Mr. Matayoshi experienced explain the awkwardness I have felt. Even the situation between post war era and that disaster was not the same, I have found this is similar to the situation in art. The trauma we have gone through in that disaster does not seem to recover step by step. We must swing from state of manic to repressiveness in order to regain our reality. In the blog post in last September I wrote as below: "in terms of art, there should be lots of meaning to continue creating and expressing as same as we have before embracing dilemma. ". I still believe the same. Adding to it, I would say it should be meaningful to pay attention to this swing in art and representation. When later generation look it again, we will find any answer.



(English follows after Japanese.) 








What is real in photography?
I have been to see "Young Portfolio Acquisition 2011" at Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Art. This museum buys photography by young artists to support them as museum collection. This year marks 17th exhibition. The applicants were from 31 countries, and 178 works by 26 artists were bought as museum acquisition.
Back in my memory, I have not been to a photography exhibition by "young artists", since I have always chosen the exhibitions by my favourite photographers. This time, I found it asks me to have extra energy to see every work by passionate 26 artists. As I wonder why this happens, I recalled a book called "Engeki nyuumon (The introduction of drama)" by one of the Japanese playwrights, Oriza Hirata so I reread it. Mr. Hirata writes two things that the technique of writing drama, and a question what makes us feel real in a drama. What I recalled in my mind was the latter issue, what makes me real in a drama.
What exhausted the most was to focus on the world that each artist wants to show or what the artist sees through a camera. It is a process to track what is real to the artist. Mr. Hirata asks on the book that why we can feel real when we see actors playing on stage. Why we feel the lines written by a playwright "real"? What makes drama distinctive from other art expression based on what we feel "real"? I felt "actors", "lines", and "drama" could replace to photography. It might be because photography and drama reflect our world more directly comparing to other artistic expressions.
The works that I felt awkward were of the themes such as child prostitution, abuse for women in Bangladesh, and the natural disaster on 3.11 in Japan. I can not tell it was because I have not seen those types of photography in museums; however, I did not feel real to see the photography of contemporary social issues in a museum. It does not mean that it seems not real as it was too tragic to believe. It does not seem real to me. For example, what I felt real at the exhibition were works such as using artificial and intentional techniques.
From the words by Mr. Hirata again. He writes that it is easy to state that each person has each sense of reality. But still, there will be nearly impartial reality that we can share at a point. He points out there will be ways to recognise the gap between the reality for a person A and B. And what he aims is to describe this gap. In the middle of the book, he decipher this gap is the gap of context. Not only culture and languages, Mr. Hirata says personal way of speech or behaviours causes the gaps of context. Adding to this, I would say the way of seeing or viewpoint has the gaps of contexts. I understand there was a gap of context between those artists I mentioned before and me.
In the end of the book, Mr. Hirata said that in drama, especially impressive drama, actors and audience have notable communication, in other words, internal conversation. If there are thousand of the audience, there should be thousand types to share each context. To realise this, we should undertake thousand of internal conversations. But for me, it does not always have to share contexts with others. The feeling of being ignored or solitude is also the value of artworks. I am not saying that we can only see what we want to see and does not care about other's reality. What I want to share is the awareness that there is "real" feeling that we can never understand each other. It is more true for me and also this would be honest attitude toward any expression of arts. This is a long process to conclude what makes me think real in photography. It was a long path!



 ドイツの芸術系出版社、GestaltenがGestalten TVというpodcastを配信しています。(因に、バックに流れている音楽がいつもかっこいいのも特徴。)今日はその中で紹介された、クーパー・ヒューイット国立デザイン博物館館長のBill Moggridgeのインタビューについて書きたいと思います。この博物館はスミソニアン博物館の一組織で、豊富なコレクションからはデザイン史、装飾史、ファッション史などを辿ることができます。

