
NY探訪記 その4 Dia: Beacon

(English follows after Japanese)
  グランドセントラル駅から、ハドソン川沿いを電車で1時間程北上したところにある、Dia: Beaconへ。ここはもともとナビスコの箱を作っていた工場を、現代美術館に改装した場所です。駅を降りると、川沿いの木立の中に家がぽつぽつと建っており、ここに本当に美術館が?と思うような場所でした。坂道を上がって行くと、建物までのアプローチに真っ赤な実をつけた木が植えられています。友人によると、四季を通じて花や紅葉などを楽しめるような植栽になっているとのこと。
 さて美術館内部は、工場だった場所だけあってその広さは想像以上でした。空間と展示室内を歩く人の大きさのバランスが、おかしく見える程です。Frank Serra, Donald Juddなどのマッシヴな作品が映える空間で、展覧会は1960〜70年代の現代美術作品が中心となっていました。全部見て回るのに2時間半程かかりました。カフェでお茶を飲んで一息ついて、私たちはまたマンハッタンに戻りました。


 Special Thanks to CP.

Trip to NY part 4 Dia: Beacon

From Grand Central Station, being on a train by the Hudson river for about an hour to the north. we went to the Dia: Beacon. Here originally was the factory of the package of Nabisco being refurbished into the art gallery. Getting off the train, there were a few houses along the river in the woods, I wondered if there was really a gallery. We walked the slope, we found there were some plants with bright red berries. From my friend, when they have built the site, they consider people can enjoy the plants and flowers for every four seasons.    

Inside gallery was much bigger than I've imagined as it was once used as factory. The volume of the space was so huge so that the balance between space, works and people walking in the exhibition floor seemed somehow strange. As the space is so big, the massive works by Frank Sterra or Donald Judd were greatly matched the atmosphere. It took us almost two and half hours to look through all the exhibition floors. We had a break at the cafe and we went back to Manhattan.

Special thanks to CP.

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