

(English follows after Japanese)  


 その中でも、ipodに入れて何回も見ているのが、Ze Frankというアーティストがこれまでのプロジェクトを紹介している"Ze Frank's web playroom"の回です。Humorist(ユーモア作家?)の肩書きも持っている通り、その話の面白さもさることながら、彼のアイデアで現代のネットワーク技術が人を繋ぐ目に見えない温かな「何か」になっているところが肝だと感じました。確かにICT技術のお陰で、生活のいろいろな場面が便利にかつ効率的になっていることは誰しも認めるところだと思います。しかし技術がいかに発達してもそれだけではただの新しいガジェットに過ぎないと私は思っており、新しい技術いかにクリエイティブな世界を作るかを得意げに吹聴する人を目にする度に鼻白んでいたものでした。しかし、Frankは、技術だけが創造的な世界を作るのではなく、人間の創造的なアクションが新しい技術に息を吹き込むのだ、ということを気づかせてくれます。

 彼は、18分の限られた時間でこれまで関わってきた様々なプロジェクトを紹介しています。まず紹介したのが"Ray"というプロジェクトです。これは、誰かから彼に送られてきた無名のアカペラ曲のファイルから始まります。Rayという男性が、仕事で落ち込んでいる娘を励ますために作った歌ということしか分かりません。(ちょっとお下劣な歌詞なので、TEDのサイトでご覧下さい。)そこでFrankは人々に、この歌のリミックスを送ってくれるようネットで呼びかけたところ、ダンス風やテクノ風などなど沢山の音声ファイル送られてきて、アルバムまで作ることになりました。そしてとうとう彼は、本物のRayから「どうやら私を探しているようだね。」というメールが送られてきて、セントルイスで初の対面を果たします。見ず知らずの誰かの発した小さなボールを彼がキャッチし、それを静かな水面に投げ込んだような、不思議な波紋の広がりを感じます。またフェイスブックを使った「あなたのフェイスブックのパスワードを教えて下さい。暫くフェイスブック上であなたの振りをしてみます。」というインターネット上での人格やプライバシーって何だろう、と考えさせられるプロジェクト"Facebook Me Equals You"も行っています。



Playing in the web Playroom

I'm recently into the podcast called TED, which is the event/conference that the specialists from various fields speech in about twenty minutes maximum. The speakers are from a variety of areas such as political science, oceanology, or marketing professional, artists, writers. Unfortunately, it is only in English (some of them seem to be translated in some languages including Japanese on the web.) for me, a person whose first language is not English, short presentation around twenty minutes is so reasonable to maintain concentration. Most of all, it is so exciting that it gives us lots of the stories from various fields, which I have never encountered.

One of the favourite programmes that I keep in my ipod is by the artist, Ze Frank, who introduce his projects on the web titled "Ze Frank's web playroom". He titles himself as a humorist, so his speech is so funny, and the audience seemed got drawn to it. Of course, his talk is appealing, but what the significant is, that how he uses contemporary network technology to connect some "warm" things with his ideas. Everyone never would deny that ICT makes our lives rich, convenient and effective, though I always feel cynical to see the people that new technology itself equals to creativity. However, Mr. Frank tells and realises us, that, technology itself does not get creative world it is the human activity that inspire the technology.

He introduces a lot of projects among limited eighteen minutes. First one is the song that the guy called "Ray" was singing. It started from the acapela music file he got from someone. Ray made the song try to cheered her daughter up who were upset because having been not treated fairly in her job. (The lyric is on the website of TED it is not a song we can song aloud, so I would not copy it here!) Then Mr. Frank put it online to ask people to remix this song. He got lots of flies like dance-remix, techno-esque one. Finally, the project grew to make the album. Then one day, he got an email from Ray! "Hi, I'm Ray, I heard you have been looking for me". Then this made Ray and Mr. Frank met each other in St. Louis for the first time. This gives me a picture that someone threw a ball. Then Mr. Frank caught it then he threw it again on a still surface of a pond to make the water rings to far. Mr. Frank also talked about the project called "Facebook Me Equals You". He asked people to "borrow" Facebook username and password to become that person on his website. It sounded a bit risky but quite fascinating challenge to think about what is the personality and privacy in the internet.

What I'd love to tell you the last is one of offers from a woman who Mr. Frank knew each other by "Facebook Me Equals You". She had known that Mr. Frank once made a song for one girl cheer up, and also asked him to cheer her as she was so anxious about her new job. He said ok, and secretly made a lyric and melody and asked people online to record and send the music file singing along listening to the headphone. (So that, they recorded only their voice.) From all over the world, he received thirty, forty files. At the same time, that woman did not realise what was happening and emailed him "I know you have forgotten about me. I just wanted to say thanks for even considering it.". Several days later, Mr Frank mixed all the files to make one song and sent her. The song sounded like people all over the world were cheering up her.

Mr. Franks' projects all show us this contemporary world that real world and net reality are intermingling. This tells us there is the moment that virtual world suddenly changes to physical and tactile one, or we could move and touch people's hearts through the "new" technology. From his works, I felt our creativity is challenged here, like this, contemporary technology oriented world.

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