

(English follows after Japanese)  






Aichi Triennale "In the Heart of a Forest”

On the opening day of Aichi Triennale, I've been to Nagoya with my friend to see the newest piece of play by Oriza Hirata, "In the Heart of a Forest”. The highlight was that, it was human actors and robots play together.

The situation was like that. It is in the deep forest in Congo, in 2030, there are researchers of bonobos, resort developer, and the research assistant robots are working together. The situation was set in near future, and we understood It was in the context of a play, so it didn't seem too strange to see the scenes that human beings and robots are talking and working together. Or rather, I felt that these robots seemed have hearts and minds to think like human beings. Of course these robots were programmed how to move and speak beforehand and I also understand that they were actually made to say certain things in curtain situations. Therefore, as the play went on, even I understood it was play, though, I felt like the robots seemed more human than us in some scenes. It should have been because of Hirata's talent of a playwright. It questioned me like what is understanding between human beings, what is sympathy, or what is sharing the ideas each other and so on. We had after-talk on that day with Mr. Hirata and a play critic. Mr. Hirata said that "We might believe our minds are something exist among us, but we could say they might only appear among the relationship between others.". I really loved this idea.  

Before I saw this play, I was talking with someone whether art could have developed along with the development of technology. He said "Technology and art had been aiming the same sphere first (like in Renaissance time), but now, they aren't." And I remember I said "I believe new reality would be created by art and technology stimulate each other.". Backing to Mr. Hirata's talk, he said "This piece of play never be useful in real life, but definitely, it would change art.", which reminded me the conversation above. When the people who are in charge of robot development would see this play, they might be really inspired I suppose, This should be the potential of creativity that art contains I believe. From the audience, one of them questioned like this, "I'm a researcher of robots so I might have prejudice, but I don't really get why it should have been robots appears in that play.". I found this question really exciting because I'm novice to the robot technology, so I never have this kind of question. In the end, Mr. Hirata said, "You all might think this play was so exciting, but, think again, it is because it was just the first trial in play.", which was so sharp self analysis,
Soon later I saw it, I found Mr. Hirata's writing that looking back this "robot play" on the website of his company. I'm looking forward to seeing how he develop this new field of "robot play in the play world.