







(English follows after Japanese)




 さて、この本を読んだ時、すぐに思い出したのは、博物館実習の事でした。私の実習先のNew Art Museum Walsallでは、その頃"Veil"という大変興味深い企画展が行われていました。イスラム教徒の女性が被っている女性のヴェールだけでなく、広く「覆う/被う」ことをテーマにした展覧会で、大変タイムリーな展覧会だったと思います。中でも、私の記憶に強く残って作品が2つあります。一つは、1960年代フランスが統治していたアルジェリアで、フランス人ジャーナリストが身分証明のために撮った女性たちのポートレートです。本来ならばスカーフを被って生活していたはずの彼女たちは、それらを外し(外されて)こちらを見ています。この背景を知らなければ、単なるポートレートに見えます。学芸員の説明がなければそれは分かりませんでした。しかしその時の彼女らの心境はどんなものだったのだろうかと考えると目を離せなくなります。ヴェールを被る事は、酒井氏の本にも書いてありましたが、現代のイスラム教徒のアイデンティティを表明する手段になり得たり、逆に世俗的に禁止されていたりと、イスラム社会の有り様を表す表象の一つとも言えます。しかし他の文化によってヴェールを外されるという体験は、とても強烈なものだったと思います。一連の写真を見て、とても美しいと感じた後、一瞬私はこれを美しいと思っていいのか、と複雑な心境になったのを覚えています。



Encountering Muslim world

I have just read a book called "Chuto no kangaekata (The way thinking about Middle East) " by Keiko Sakai who is a Japanese researcher of Middle East. I have had little knowledge about the issues about Middle East, so I had been finding a suitable book for like me, the novice. The book seemed appropriate to begin to know about the issues so that I bought it. While I have been reading it, it drew many things from my memory.

About Middle East, I have only known that there are always some wars or religious conflicts as far as I remember, and the ancient kingdoms I have studies at the history class at high school long time ago. This book mentioned the each country's issues and historical backgrounds in reasonable balance. I would like to recommend it if you were interested in it (It is in Japanese, though.). What I would like to write here, is the days when I have been doing my MA in museum studies, in the UK. This book recalled me when I was reading the last chapter that describes the "real" Muslim life today.

The city I have been staying had been Leicester, which is famous that they have lots of Muslim population. In the university, there are the space especially for Muslim students to pray. I have stayed from 2002 to 2003, the time the Iraq War started, and the people have argued a lot UK army should have join it or not. This is how I encountered the Muslim world for the first time in my life. We have met lots of Muslim women, but they looked in a variety like one wore colourful scarf roughly around her face, and another woman wore a black gown from head to toes that you could only see her eyes from the slit. I realised that we could not talk "Muslim" in one word they are so in variety which you can tell even only from the outfit of women. In my university accommodation, there was a Muslim roommate. She was always wearing the black scarf tightly, even on a bathrobe. I have thought it taboo to mention the customs of religion, but was so curious, that I once asked her, "Can I ask about your scarf?". You should always wear it?" nervously. She talked as if nothing special, "Yes. It is useful in wintertime as it is warm as well."

I also recalled the working experience after I have read the book. I was a trainee at New Art Gallery Walsall, where at that time, they had the interesting exhibition called "Veil". It was not about the veil the Muslim women wear, but also embraced wider concept about veiling. In this exhibition, there are two memorable works for me. One is the series of identification portraits of Algerian women in 1960 which French journalist took. It was when France colonised Algeria. In everyday life, the women had to be in scarves, but as they were ID photos, they looked at us without them. Without the explanation by the curator, I could never have seen the background. When I imagined how those women felt, I was not able to let my eyes off from them. Ms Sakai also mentioned in the book that in the contemporary Muslim world. She mentioned the scarves or veils could be the way to express their identity, or some countries banned it, so that could be one of the significations in Muslim world today. However, ripping off the veil by different culture would have given the women so strong experience. When I saw the series of photos, I thought they were beautiful, but at the same time, I felt a complex feeling like guilt to take them beautiful. Another work was lots of white, thin papers which have patterns painted many different shapes on them. The artist was a woman from Saudi Arabia, being raised up in Muslim family. When she was a teenager, her mother dislikes the influence of Western culture, so she thoroughly painted the bare part of models' body in fashion magazines. This memory inspired her to create the work. In a glance, you might think these are random black patterns on white papers. However, after you hear this story, you could recognise the black parts are women's body parts like neck, arms, legs in sillouete which is not "veiled" by clothes.

In the exhibition, there are lots of groups of elementary schools were visiting, and I had some chances to go around to see and talk about the works together. In one group, there was a boy from Muslim family, so we had a chance to ask him to read the sentences from the Koran in one work. Recalling those days, I think I had so precious experience, as It was by chance that a student from Japan who was a trainee in that museum, in the middle England, and looking around the exhibition with British kids together. Ms Sakai's book gave me not only knowledge about Middle East, but also chance to think the meaning of the first encounter of the Muslim world in my life again.



(English follows after Japanese)  

 過日、勅使川原三郎の作品を見てから、彼がどのように振り付けを行っているのか非常に気になっていた折り、彼のインタビューや振り付けのドキュメンタリー映像が入っているドイツの「BOUND-DER GEFESSELTE ABSOLUTE ZERO」というDVDを見つけ、早速購入しました。これは、Jab Schmidt-Garreという監督による「BOUND」(2002)というダンスフィルムと「ABSOLUTE ZERO」という2002年の勅使川原の作品がメインになっています。が、私はそれらを飛ばしてまず、「STILL MOVIE」というドキュメンタリーの方を先に見ました。






Choreography of breathing

Choreography of breathing Since I have seen the performance of Teshigawara Saburo in November, I have also been so eager to know how he choreographs his works. Then I found this DVD called "BOUND-DER GEFESSELTE ABSOLUTE ZERO" which is of dance film called "BOUND" (2002) by the director Jab Schmidt-Garre, the Teshigawara's work "ABSOLUTE ZERO" (2002), and including the interviews and documentary films "STILL MOVIE". I was so interested in his choreography, so I watched "STILL MOVIE" first.

In this film, you could witness the scene of the rehearsal how Mr.Teshigawara choreographs the professional classic dancer and the German actress in the film "BOUND". To be honest, from the sharp and relentless atmosphere from his works, I had imagined that Mr. Teshigawara would be a dictatorial artist who forces his way and aesthetics to other dancers. However, what I saw was totally different. Of course, you could recognise Mr. Teshigawara has clear and stable images of his dance in his mind. Though, I felt something unusual how he conveys his images. The key was "breathing". In the interview, he talked breathing is like music, nature, designed lines, or even architecture. He said you could breathe like the lines of the mountains, or shape of the clouds by showing his breathings. To the dancer and the actress, I convinced that he shows the movement with the language related to breathing and emphasises the combination of the movement of the body and breathing. The awareness of breathing was incredibly constructed into practice on the rehearsal. I felt I understood something. I remembered when I felt awkward when I saw other dancers in Mr. Teshigawara's work. He must have been something different from breathing, or it might be said he has not "shared" the method of breathing of Mr. Teshigawara's. In the interview of "BOUND", this classic ballet dancer said, "He never pushes against his own way. Dancers never always express the shape, but express something what happening inside the body through breathing."

It is about ten years ago. I recalled I had seen the TV programme of NHK "Youkoso Sempai. (This title means "Welcome our friends of our school".). This programme is about people who specialise in various fields like sports, business, medical, science, art, who teach for a week or so at a class he/she has studied. In one of the programmes, Mr. Theshigawara also had dance classes in an elementary school of he graduated. In the classes, he used the same technique of breathing. First, he let the students to aware how they were inhaling and exhaling. In the final class, they made a small piece of dance work that convey their breathing. The students took in the air one by one, and when breathed out, added the movement when they gave it to others (quite difficult to explain in words though it was brilliant!).

We might believe that we learn breathing by ourselves and anyone has taught how to do it; however, I think our breathing would become "poor" (which sound wired, but I honestly feel so) unless you are always keeping it aware in your mind. Although it is from my limited experiences of that the acupuncturist told me, or the workshop of breathing, it was an eye-opening experience to think about breathing like even think about where of your body could be bulging when breathe. Those also made me convince that the tight connection between dance and breathing in Mr. Teshigawara's work. I now felt I saw a tip of Mr. Teshigawara's secrets of inspiration that have been long mystery for me.



(English follows after Japanese)  


 その中でも、ipodに入れて何回も見ているのが、Ze Frankというアーティストがこれまでのプロジェクトを紹介している"Ze Frank's web playroom"の回です。Humorist(ユーモア作家?)の肩書きも持っている通り、その話の面白さもさることながら、彼のアイデアで現代のネットワーク技術が人を繋ぐ目に見えない温かな「何か」になっているところが肝だと感じました。確かにICT技術のお陰で、生活のいろいろな場面が便利にかつ効率的になっていることは誰しも認めるところだと思います。しかし技術がいかに発達してもそれだけではただの新しいガジェットに過ぎないと私は思っており、新しい技術いかにクリエイティブな世界を作るかを得意げに吹聴する人を目にする度に鼻白んでいたものでした。しかし、Frankは、技術だけが創造的な世界を作るのではなく、人間の創造的なアクションが新しい技術に息を吹き込むのだ、ということを気づかせてくれます。

 彼は、18分の限られた時間でこれまで関わってきた様々なプロジェクトを紹介しています。まず紹介したのが"Ray"というプロジェクトです。これは、誰かから彼に送られてきた無名のアカペラ曲のファイルから始まります。Rayという男性が、仕事で落ち込んでいる娘を励ますために作った歌ということしか分かりません。(ちょっとお下劣な歌詞なので、TEDのサイトでご覧下さい。)そこでFrankは人々に、この歌のリミックスを送ってくれるようネットで呼びかけたところ、ダンス風やテクノ風などなど沢山の音声ファイル送られてきて、アルバムまで作ることになりました。そしてとうとう彼は、本物のRayから「どうやら私を探しているようだね。」というメールが送られてきて、セントルイスで初の対面を果たします。見ず知らずの誰かの発した小さなボールを彼がキャッチし、それを静かな水面に投げ込んだような、不思議な波紋の広がりを感じます。またフェイスブックを使った「あなたのフェイスブックのパスワードを教えて下さい。暫くフェイスブック上であなたの振りをしてみます。」というインターネット上での人格やプライバシーって何だろう、と考えさせられるプロジェクト"Facebook Me Equals You"も行っています。



Playing in the web Playroom

I'm recently into the podcast called TED, which is the event/conference that the specialists from various fields speech in about twenty minutes maximum. The speakers are from a variety of areas such as political science, oceanology, or marketing professional, artists, writers. Unfortunately, it is only in English (some of them seem to be translated in some languages including Japanese on the web.) for me, a person whose first language is not English, short presentation around twenty minutes is so reasonable to maintain concentration. Most of all, it is so exciting that it gives us lots of the stories from various fields, which I have never encountered.

One of the favourite programmes that I keep in my ipod is by the artist, Ze Frank, who introduce his projects on the web titled "Ze Frank's web playroom". He titles himself as a humorist, so his speech is so funny, and the audience seemed got drawn to it. Of course, his talk is appealing, but what the significant is, that how he uses contemporary network technology to connect some "warm" things with his ideas. Everyone never would deny that ICT makes our lives rich, convenient and effective, though I always feel cynical to see the people that new technology itself equals to creativity. However, Mr. Frank tells and realises us, that, technology itself does not get creative world it is the human activity that inspire the technology.

He introduces a lot of projects among limited eighteen minutes. First one is the song that the guy called "Ray" was singing. It started from the acapela music file he got from someone. Ray made the song try to cheered her daughter up who were upset because having been not treated fairly in her job. (The lyric is on the website of TED it is not a song we can song aloud, so I would not copy it here!) Then Mr. Frank put it online to ask people to remix this song. He got lots of flies like dance-remix, techno-esque one. Finally, the project grew to make the album. Then one day, he got an email from Ray! "Hi, I'm Ray, I heard you have been looking for me". Then this made Ray and Mr. Frank met each other in St. Louis for the first time. This gives me a picture that someone threw a ball. Then Mr. Frank caught it then he threw it again on a still surface of a pond to make the water rings to far. Mr. Frank also talked about the project called "Facebook Me Equals You". He asked people to "borrow" Facebook username and password to become that person on his website. It sounded a bit risky but quite fascinating challenge to think about what is the personality and privacy in the internet.

What I'd love to tell you the last is one of offers from a woman who Mr. Frank knew each other by "Facebook Me Equals You". She had known that Mr. Frank once made a song for one girl cheer up, and also asked him to cheer her as she was so anxious about her new job. He said ok, and secretly made a lyric and melody and asked people online to record and send the music file singing along listening to the headphone. (So that, they recorded only their voice.) From all over the world, he received thirty, forty files. At the same time, that woman did not realise what was happening and emailed him "I know you have forgotten about me. I just wanted to say thanks for even considering it.". Several days later, Mr Frank mixed all the files to make one song and sent her. The song sounded like people all over the world were cheering up her.

Mr. Franks' projects all show us this contemporary world that real world and net reality are intermingling. This tells us there is the moment that virtual world suddenly changes to physical and tactile one, or we could move and touch people's hearts through the "new" technology. From his works, I felt our creativity is challenged here, like this, contemporary technology oriented world.