

(English follows Japanese)

これは過日のNHKスペシャル「沢木耕太郎 推理ドキュメント 運命の一枚 ~"戦場"写真 最大の謎に挑む~」を観て買わずにいられなかった本です。番組は沢木氏の取材をもとにキャパの出世作「崩れ落ちる兵士」が実は兵士の死の瞬間をとらえたものではないかもしれない、さらに撮ったのはキャパではないかもしれないという謎に迫っています。信じていたものが「崩れ落ちる」衝撃的な内容でしばらく呆然となりました。ちなみに私の故父は元写真家で、本棚にはキャパの書いた『ちょっとピンぼけ』があったことを覚えています。父も少なからずキャパに憧れていたはずなのでこれを知ったらショックで落ち込むだろうな!とも思いました。



I have read a book "Capa's Cross" by non-fiction writer, Kotaro Sawaki.
I didn't  resist to buy this book after watched the TV Programme in NHK. That is about Robert Capa's famous photo; "The Falling Soldier" he had taken in Spanish Civil War. Everyone believes that photo caught the moment of death, though, from the data covering by Sawaki, it might have been faked. Over more, he said this photo might not have taken by Capa. I was shocked to fall. Because I was one of those who believes that photo was by Capa, and the soldier was falling to die. Incidentally, my late-dad was a photographer. I remember there was a book by Capa, " Slightly Out of Focus" in his bookshelves. I'm convinced he admired Capa, so if he had known this, I thought he would be shocked.
I didn't resist buying this book after watched the TV Programme in NHK. That is about Robert Capa's famous "The Falling Soldier" he had taken in Spanish Civil War. Everyone believes that photo caught the moment of death, however, from the data covering by Sawaki, it might have been faked. Moreover, he said this photo might not have taken by Capa. I was shocked to fall. Because I was one of those who believes that photo was by Capa, and the soldier was falling to die. Incidentally, my late-dad was a photographer. I remember there was a book by Capa, " Slightly Out of Focus" in his bookshelves. I'm convinced he admired Capa, so if he had known this, I thought he would be shocked.
The book did not blame that Capa's "The Falling Soldier" was totally fake. What moved me was crossing of Sawaki's sympathy to Capa's life and search for truth. He had a long journey; was that fake? If so, how could we verify this? It is Sawaki's tough soul as   a journalist. It goes without saying that he visited the village where that photo was believed to taken. He bought a small-sized human model and lighting equipment to simulate the point where photographer took that photo. Also, he researched if it had been possible that the soldier had fallen like that posture when he had been shot. He calculated the speed and trajectory of riffles when soldiers had used while The Civil War. Sawaki investigates every possible evidence. Those investigation and contemplation drew me in.
Personally, I falter out to say documentary photo including Capa's works' meanings  and values. Is it true of fake? Is it just peep or not? I understand extreme argument is pointless, however, I still don't find appropriate approach for those documentary photos. Let's see "The Falling Soldier" again. It has a voice of anti-fascists, and for "LIFE" which published the photo should have been a monumental scoop. Time goes by, it would become an icon of journalism, or symbol of pray for peace. It reminds me of Rorschach test. One image draws different meanings by different testees. We also expect what we want see in photos. In a postscript, Sawaki wrote he was still investigating this subject, and if we would discover a new source, he will be happy to overturn his statement.
While I read this book, I recalled what my dad and I talked when I was a high school student. It was about Eugene Smith, who is also a photographer, a member of the Magnum, and took photos of war and social issues. We talked about one of his famous piece of works about patients and mothers of pollution disease in Minamata, Japan. My dad said if Smith asked them to take pose, the value as photo never changes. When I heard this, I objected to say if you asked so even once, it ruined everything, it was not a documentary! Now after I read this book, what do I say to him? I might say what I can conclude is only from the image in photos.



  お久し振りです!今日はPrix Pictetという写真賞にみる写真の微妙な位置づけについて考えてみます。podcastのMonocleでみつけたものです。

 Prix Pictetはスイスのピクテ銀行という超富裕層を顧客とするプライベートバンクが社会貢献活動として設立したものです。2008年から始まり、世界の社会問題や環境問題などに関わりのある写真に賞を与えてきました。これまでのテーマは「Power(力)」「Growth(成長)」「Earth(地球)」「Water(水)」。参加者はジャーナリスト団体やキュレーター、美術館、芸術団体、通信社などからの推薦されます。自薦も可能です。Monocleで紹介していたのは2012年10月にロンドンのサーチギャラリー行われた「Power」の展覧会でした。



 紹介されていた作品の一つに2010年のメキシコ湾油田流出事故を空撮したものがあります。大惨事であるはずなのにコバルトブルーの海に流れる油が油絵のようにも見え「disturbing beauty(不穏な美しさ)」とMonocleのレポーターが語っています。

 この賞の意義に異議は唱えませんが、アートとジャーナリズムの枠を越えるというような位置づけに微妙な思いを抱いてしまいます。フォスター卿の語る「不快感があるが心を動かすもの」や「disturbing beauty」などという言説は呑気じゃない?と言いたくなります。深刻な問題を抱えている現場に対して「不快だが美しい」とわざわざ言うのもジャーナリズムがアートに逃げているように感じます。写真家自身も戦略的に撮っているのだとは思いますが。こういったスタイルも芸術表現の一つだといわれても私にはどこか引っかかるものがありました。悲惨な状況にふと見えた美しさに気づいてしまう居心地の悪さに鈍感すぎやしないかと思うからです。

